Careers at NPC

current JOB OPPORTUNITies aT npc

To apply for jobs, please send your cover letter and resume to

Narberth Presbyterian Church is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Senior Pastor and Head of Staff

As our pastor of 32 years, Pastor Steve Weed, has retired, NPC seeks a new Senior Pastor.

We are grateful for our current Transitional Pastor Farrar Griggs. 

And at the same time, NPC is praying for and seeking a new person to lead our church into the future that God has for us.

If you believe God might be calling you to be part of the future of Narberth Presbyterian Church, as our Senior Pastor, please see our Church Profile and Job Description below. 

Click here for Job Description

Click here for NPC Church Profile

Click here for our FAQ on the Pastoral transition 

To APPLY or learn more, please contact our Pastoral Nominating Committee at