Narberth Presbyterian offers many opportunities for support
Alcoholics Anonymous
NPC is happy to support Alchoholics Anonymous which meets upstairs Monday-Saturday from 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. & Sundays from 4:30 p.m. - 5:30pm. Please enter the building via the entrance on Windsor Avenue by the wrought iron fence.
Deacons' Pantry
We provide meals to those in need of support and assistance such as sickness or a new baby in the home.
Deacons' Assistance Fund
The purpose of the Deacons’ Assistance Fund is to enable the Narberth Presbyterian Church to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ by helping others, and in particular, members, regular attendees, widows, orphans, and single-parent families of the Church, through short-term crisis situations. Omar Mehdi, Faithe Hornung
Christian Counseling Ministry
Dr. Janet Moore has been offering her ministry of Christian Counseling here for many years, working with individuals struggling with a wide range of personal and psychological challenges. Dr. Moore’s perspective is that addressing mentalhealth issues is essential to opening our hearts and minds, thereby enabling a closer relationship with God that can sustain us in an imperfect world. You may reach Dr. Moore by leaving a message on her church extension, 610-664-4880 (ext. 121), or at 484-686-6630.
The Alpha Marriage Course
The ALPHA Marriage Course provides husbands and wives tools to build and strengthen a vibrant relationship over time. On 7 successive Friday evening (6:30-9pm), couples enjoy a nice dinner at a table for two, watch a brief video presentations by Nicky and Sila Lee, and talk with each other about important issues that can get swept under the carpet in the rush of daily life. This is not a large group activity; rather, you and your spouse work only with each other. The cost for 7 weeks of dinner and the course materials is $120 per couple. It’s a bargain! So, whether you have been married a short time, or for many years, this course is a great investment in your relationship! There will be childcare provided at no extra cost. Please contact Debbie (dwatson@narberthpres.org or 610-664-4880 ext.114) to sign up, and check it out at http://us.alphausa.org/Groups/1000056818/The_Marriage_Course.aspx#.Vq-iILIrLcs
Grief Care Support Group
There will be a grief support group on the fourth Monday of the months of January through March. This grief group will be an informal gathering to share whatever is on your heart (i.e., open discussion). Those grieving the death of a loved one or friend are welcome (former attendance of GriefShare is not required). The first session will be held on Monday, January 23 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the chapel of the church. No need to RSVP, just show up as you are able. Please reach out to either Gerri Wismer or Alice Antonelli for additional information.
Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center
Amnion has been serving our community for more than 30 years, offering love, hope, friendship, information, practical help, free services, material resources and referrals for women and men facing unplanned, untimely, or unwanted pregnancies. All services are confidential and free of charge, regardless of age, race, religion, marital status, or financial situation. Amnion is a safe place, a welcoming place, a place where women and men can find peace, support, and confidence. Find out more at http://amnionpregnancycenter.com/
Prayer Support
The Prayer Chain
Contact us with any prayer concerns you have – a dedicated group of over 100 folks will pray for each request. Send your email to pray@narberthpres.org
Sunday Morning - Intercession Prayer Group
8:30am-9:20am Facilitated by Clara Louie
Monday Evening Prayer
This is an open prayer meeting at NPC, all are welcome. Location: Pastor’s Office. Leader: Dana Kaminstein
The Unbound Prayer Ministry
Unbound is a ministry that helps us find the joy and freedom that Jesus desires for us. Personal prayer sessions are available with Dana & Maria Kaminstein (by appointment only). Contact Dana (610-247-4825) or Maria (610-247-4927).