Narberth Presbyterian Church has
a serious commitment to missions.
As a church, we contribute more than 20% of our overall budget
to 37 mission causes found locally and around the world.
This level of commitment is our response to "the Great Commission"
of going into all the world to preach the Gospel.
Mission and Ambassador
4-D Ministries - Paulson - Helga Sauter
Amnion Pregnancy Care Medical Center - Alice Antonelli
Cephus Tushima - Scott Todd
Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. - Doherty - Danielle Kauffman
Chosen People Ministries - Paul Cruz - Tim & Jennifer Roykouff
Cornerstone Christian Academy - Joyce Lewis
CRU City - Brindley - OPEN
CRU International - Darwin - Kathy McLean
For Richmond - Shenk - OPEN
Development Associates International - OPEN
Disciple Makers - Hall - Bob Moore
ECO (Church Planting + Global Missions)
Esperanza Health Center - OPEN
Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Ashley Reed
Greater Europe Mission - Loeffler - Helga Sauter
Habitat for Humanity - N. Central Philadelphia - Linda Behmke
House of His Creation - OPEN
InterAct Ministries - Dan & Bev Mayerle - Marilyn Reed
InterServe-USA - Kennedy - Jesse Kennedy
Kingdom Connect - Duffy - Ken & Sally Kapner
Neighborhood Crusades Inc. - Helga Sauter/Marilyn Reed
New Horizons/Amoenitas - Todd - Marilyn Reed
Olney Christian School - Ann Saddel
Presby's Inspired Life (Human Good) - Suzanne Morrison
Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International - OPEN
Rancho Del Rey - OPEN
REAP Granada - Scott Esposito - Charlie Choi
Redeemed for a Cause Outreach - Sally Kapner
Servant Partners - Andersons - Faithe Hornung
The Antioch Partners - Haugens - OPEN
The Welcome Church -Steinagel - Jane Murray
The Episcopal Diocese of N Dakota (Standing Rock) - Ashley Reed
The Philadelphia Project - Dave Bellamy
United World Mission - Woodbury - Helga Sauter
World Link - Sandi and Rob Wray
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Shannon - Kim Ishmael
Young Life (Western Philadelphia Suburbs) - Barb Montgomery