Children's Ministry Happenings!
Welcome to the NPC Children's Ministry!
Children’s Ministries serves infants up through 5th grade and provides meaningful programs and activities that help them to know, grow, and show God’s love. We are dedicated to seeing children of all ages, and their families, grow in their knowledge and experience of God’s goodness and grace.
Contact Danielle Kauffman, Director of Intergenerational Ministries at
Sunday School during our 9:30am Worship Service
Rising Kindergarten through current 5th graders are invited to in-person Sunday School. Join us for a fun time together in God’s Word! Children begin in the 9:30 a.m. service for worship and then are dismissed together to classes and childcare.
** Please note: the first Sunday of each month is Family Worship where children remain in the sanctuary for worship and communion.**
Communion & Baptism Class begins January 12th – This special class will run January 12th, 19th, 26th. Children are “Welcomed to the Lord’s Table” on Sunday, February 2nd.
Treasure Children’s 3 Week Sunday School Series – Children not participating in Communion & Baptism Class will enjoy a 3 week series discovering the treasure of knowing Jesus.
NPC Nursery
Many hands-on activities are planned to help engaged our youngest members with their lesson! Sharon Shallow and her volunteer team are looking forward to taking care of our youngest this Sunday in our NPC Nursery. Parents may drop off their child in RM 107 before service.
New Series - Our youngest have begun a new series called “Little Me Big God”.
Wednesday Night Children's Program 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
We have an active Wednesday Night Children’s Program (September – May). Join us Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 8:00pm where week children will have a fun activity/craft and hear a Bible story that relates to them.
Kids Praise begins Wednesday, January 15th – Children (PreK – 5th grade) are encouraged to join us for music fun! We meet in the Choir Room from 7:00 – 8:00pm.
Upcoming Events
Kids Basketball Clinic at NPC - It's that time of year again for Saturday morning (8:30 – 9:30am) kids basketball clinic, led by Rich Toner, at Narberth Presbyterian Church (NPC). This is best for 1st through 5th grade and is at no cost. January 11th through March 8th! All are welcome! Please register by emailing Danielle.
MLK Day of Service Opportunity Monday, January 20th – This year our NPC Preschool and NPC Children’s Ministries are partnering to bring “A Day ON not OFF” to honor this National Day of Service. Please RSVP your family or child to Danielle. Older elementary students (3rd – 4th) may attend alone. We plan to meet in the gym 10:30 – 11:30am.
Vacation Bible School
Our annual Vacation Bible School each summer, serves the wider community as well as our students provides an opportunity for children to hear the Word of God in a fun atmosphere and allows teens and adults to serve as leaders.
LIVE IT OUT! VBC 2025! - Mark your calendar for these dates: Tuesday, June 17th (3:00pm – 5:00pm) through Friday, June 20th (9:00am – 11:30am on Wed, Thurs, Fri) for NPC’s VBC! This summer children will experience camp excitement with Bible-based learning that will inspire them to follow Jesus! VBC is best for those age 4 (by June 1) through rising 5th graders (2025-2026 school year). Many volunteers are needed to make this a success too! Registration opens for students and volunteers March 24th. Check back for more details!
AXIS - Connecting Parents, Teens & Jesus in a Disconnected World - Parents of children and youth are encouraged to take advantage of these FREE tools that will help guide you through culture into a conversation around Jesus. You can sign up using the web address for FREE (usually a $100 yearly fee). Please note Narberth Presbyterian Church is in the Heritage Presbytery. Please check it out this valuable material. If you have any questions please contact Danielle.
>> Please contact Danielle Kauffman for more information at <<
Publication Date:
November 29, 2023