Lunch Bunch and Pre-Kindergarten Extended Day Programs


Our Lunch Bunch program is an opportunity to extend the preschool day until 3pm. Children eat lunch (brought from home) together, enjoy structured activities, free play, crafts and games to enhance their afternoon experience. Children can attend lunch bunch every day, a few days per week or just occasionally.  Children must be 3 and toilet trained in order to attend Lunch Bunch.  You can select your Lunch Bunch days when you register for preschool or alert the director via email or Brightwheel to register.     


Pre-kindergarten age children can extend their day through pre-kindergarten enrichment from 12-3 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.  This program is intended for children who are enrolled in one of our morning preK classes, and would like additional preK instruction in the afternoon.  This program will be run by one lead preK teacher and one assistant and will include kindergarten readiness skills, socialization, science, free play, crafts, recess and more.  For PreK children who need care on Monday and Friday afternoons as well, you can opt for the PreK/Lunch Bunch combo which will add traditional lunch bunch on Mondays and Friday. 

25-26 Lunch Bunch and Pre-Kindergarten Enrichment Rates

•        5 Day PM (12-3pm) Lunch Bunch (toilet trained): $3990/year

•        3 Day PM (Tues/Wed/Thurs) (12-3pm) Pre-Kindergarten Enrichment: $3150

•        5 Day PM (12-3pm) Pre-Kindergarten Enrichment (Tues/Wed/Thurs) and Lunch Bunch (Mon/Fri) Combo: $4700

•        Daily Lunch Bunch Rate: $26.50/day

Lunches must be packed following our No-Nut snack policy.