Wednesday Nights

Wednesday Nights

Church Family Supper  5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m

Take a night off from cooking and enjoy the delights of our Fellowship Café.

Classes  7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Stick around afterwards to enjoy some excellent teaching for children, youth, and adults.

Classes beginning January 22nd:

Practicing the Way: Simon and Cindy Hauger are leading a second 8-week series of Practicing the Way, a wonderful new book about spiritual formation. This series will focus on the practices of Sabbath and prayer. If you're curious about Sabbath or would like to make your prayer life richer, then you will love this series. All are welcome (even if you did not participate in the first study). If you want to learn more, reach out to Simon or Cindy directly ( // 215-605-6850).

Moms at the Well: For centuries, women met daily at neighborhood wells to draw water for their families, meeting a significant physical need. But these wells were also gathering spaces, providing much-needed community and relationship. Join us for scripture, a time of sharing, and prayer led by Lisa Hoffman. This is open to all women as a safe space to gather and encourage one another. It allows us to experience the God who invites us into a process of spiritual transformation. We will meet for 6 weeks. Reach out to Lisa Hoffman or Danielle Kauffman with any questions.

Personal Finance: Ever wonder how much debt is too much? What credit rating agencies are all about? If you should budget? And if so, is there an app for that? Join Alice Antonelli as she facilitates a class on personal finance on a variety of topics. The format will include a short video and conversation afterward. Contact Alice ( or Mark Wenger ( with any questions.

Starting March 26th! Introduction to Biblical Interpretation: Who wrote the Bible - human beings or God? Does the Bible contain errors? Who decided to include only these 66 books? What went on between ancient oral traditions and our modern-day Bible? Why are there many versions and translations? How do we bridge the historical, cultural, and linguistic gap between us and the world of the text? Who determines the meaning of the text -- the author or the reader? How about the role of the Holy Spirit? Considering these questions will help us respect the complexity of the Bible, follow sound interpretive guidelines, and deepen our desire to read God's word with curiosity, discernment, and reverence. This class is primarily taught via Zoom, with a viewing option set up at church. Please email Diane ( for the Zoom link and/or recording for each class.

Kids Praise! Children (PreK – 5th grade) are encouraged to join the party in the Choir Room. Together we sing, dance, learn a lot about music, and HAVE FUN! We hope to see you there! Please reach out to Danielle with any questions.

Middle School Youth Group: Calling all 6th-8th grade students to join us for an hour of games, bible study, and memorable time together! Invite a friend to join you for a night of fun!