We build disciples in the love of Jesus Christ by:
Growing up in faith
Growing together in community
Growing out in witness and service
Core Beliefs Statement
Along with the ECO Essential Tenets, these are our Core Beliefs:
We believe in one holy, eternal, triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – whom we worship and serve, and in whom we place our trust.
We believe God created all things from nothing and created them good. Yet man and woman sinned and fell from their original created dignity.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, who alone saves us from our sins, by his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are awakened and respond in faith to the invitation of salvation in Jesus Christ; we are transformed into Christ-likeness, gifted for service, and formed into community – the Church – of which Jesus Christ is Head.
The church is engaged in God’s work in the world through its ministry and worship, through proclamation of the Gospel and evangelism, through ministries of compassion, reconciliation, justice and peace, and by caring for creation and life.
We believe that Jesus Christ shall return in great glory as the Savior and Judge of all humanity.
Finally, in all these truths, we rely upon Holy Scripture as God’s written word, our authority for faith and practice.