As Director of Youth Ministry, I search for ways to reach students (6th-12th grade) in ways that relate to the lives and needs of each individual. I partner with families as we work together to teach youth the importance and application of faith in their lives. I enjoy engaging with students on anything from where they are from to school, sports, and extracurricular activities. I have found passion in intentional relationships with others, pouring into who they are and how God is intertwined with them. It is in these spaces where we can all be seen and known in a deeper capacity. While a degree in Marketing might be a little unconventional as a Youth Director, my four years of experience working with The Philadelphia Project is one that has brought me joy and insight into the needs of youth.
I enjoy spending time exploring good coffee shops, crocheting, and time at home with my cat Lucy. I have lived in Philly for close to five years and am excited for the continued adventures of the city and surrounding neighborhoods.